10 March, 2009

Hello, Goodbye

I realized that it has been ages since I last blogged and obviously there have been a lot of changes that I have gone through in the last few months.

1 - HELLO: I am now a "purple person". It feels good to be back at work but admittedly, I still haven't gotten into the full-swing of things. Who starts work at 8am anyway??!!! To be honest, I think I've only gotten to the office at that time once and I'm not too sure there'll be a second time. It feels like I'm in a totally different planet. The people are cool and forever on-the-go. I worry sometimes how they stay sane and if I'll ever get as busy as them. (my fingers are crossed!)The downside: Lotus notes and timesheets--What the...??!!! Seriously??!!!

2 - Today! HELLO: Jimmy! :) Suffice to say, I'm happy. We're happy. I know that this ride is about to get a lot crazy in the next few months but he makes me feel that it'll be worth it.

3 - HELLO: Indy (for Indigo/ Indiana Jones meaning its main purpose is to go on adventures, formerly known as WarCar) has risen from the ashes and while I totally disagree with Pix and Jimmy, he is not Purple. He's still blue (a really really shiny and pretty blue!) cos my registration says so. Although, Indy is an entirely different creature from WarCar because he seems to have a mind of his own. He gets annoyed at me and literally throws a fit when I don't step on it and when I don't push him to his maximum potential and speed. My life is more at risk now when I drive slow. Just when I was trying to reform my psycho/jeepney driver ways... tsk tsk tsk!

4 - GOODBYE: SB-ness! I am possibly a good 10 pounds heavier than my last blog entry. I guess the SB theory must really hold true. (For those who are not in the know, the Skeeny Beetch Theory states that your skinny-ness is indirectly proportional to your happiness. In short: payatola = miserable ka and juby/fitzz = happiness.) Jimmy and some other people think this is a better look for me though. I still don't believe that men like their women 'meatier'.

5 - HELLO: new family members! GOODBYE: single blessedness! 2 of my best-est friends are getting married this year. G this Friday and Fifi in November. Two of my cousins are also getting married this year - May and November. My bio-clock is going ticktock but obviously, I'm not quite in panic mode just yet. My new hope ring helps a great deal in keeping me from worrying too.

6 - GOODBYE: Cynicism! On a recent trip to Baguio, something in me changed drastically and dramatically. It could've been the 14 hours of rolling but just the same, I am now not as cynical and pessimistic as I used to be. I must've inhaled an insane amount of pixie dust--thanks a lot Pix! Basta ngayon 'steady-bears' lang tayo parati.. :)

7 - GOODBYE: tears! It's all about moving forward. Maybe things are neither forgiven nor forgotten -- because they simply should not be.. but at least I'm definitely in a better place. At the very least, it was character-building and it's good to know that I am no longer 'stupefied'. (We really must share this language with the world Pix!) Wala na raw akong karpatan magmaasim! And to that I say-- NAMAN!!! Hehe ;)

8 - HELLO: Rockband! I actually played for the first time last weekend and it was so much fun. I just wish that we can really get our band together and have our own 'final set' just to get it out of my system.

9 - GOODBYE: color! For some reason, I've been gravitating towards all things gray when I'm out shopping. I feel drab so I will consciously inject color into my daily wardrobe. I not only went colorblind, I also turned into a Stepford-wife! Deargawd! No, I did not become fashionably-retarded but I may have cleaned-up a little I must get some of my "old mojo" back.. just a little bit lest Pix burn me alive on the spot.

10 - HELLO: WORLD! Yes, I'm alive and I am so kickin' it! ;)

Times Like These
Foo Fighters

I am a one way motorway
I'm the one that drives away
Then follows you back home
I am a street light shining
I'm a wild light blinding bright
Burning off alone

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again

I am a new day rising
I'm a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight
I am a little divided
Do I stay or run away
And leave it all behind?

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again


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