15 April, 2005

Part of the Family

Today has got to be one of the looongest days ever! It's taking forever for the clock on my screen to say 530pm so I can get out of here (Yes, I synchronized my clock with the time-in-time-out one outside). It's FRIDAY and I'm just not in work mode.
*** *** ***
My baby brother was confined last night. Wawaaa Dimsum! He's hasn't been himself lately so my Mum opted to bring him to the vet. Apparently, he was feverish (41deg) which explains why he hasn't been eating and he's been convulsing. It was his first (7th) birthday pa naman yesterday. My Mum felt so bad leaving him there because he was trying to chase after her and was even "crying" when she was leaving. She says it broke her heart to leave him there--in a cage even! (Yes, obviously Dimdim has a better relationship with Mum than I do)

Dimsum in a word is spoiled. Plus he gets away with murder (he gnawed on my most favorite white stilettos which he skillfully pulled out of a closed shoebag on top of the table but I couldn't really get mad at him cos' I know he jsut missed having me around--that is another story altogether)! He has never been in a cage (until last night..Wawaaaa!), only sleeps in an airconditioned room--complete with pillows and blanket, has a zillion toys and eats whatever we have on the table. My Mum would even put aside some of her food (and ours) for him whenever we eat out. When he doesn't feel like eating, my Mum would feed him using her hands for fear that he might die of starvation. (Nag-hhunger strike kasi si Dim pag nagtatampo--BRAT!) He responds to Dimsum, Dimdim, Baby and because of my real younger brother Chocy, Stupid Dog. He loves to go out--we bring him to church, to Eastwood or to any dog-friendly mall that we can go to (this factors in deciding where we'll have dinner,etc.) and he makes sure he has enough space in the car (never mind if we're all squished together, as long as he can spread his legs out when he wants to--BRAT! BRAT! BRAT!)

Our love affair with Dim started in May last year. He was about a month old when
Hubby brought him to the house. He meant for Dimdim to be "our son" but my Mum had other plans. On his very first day, he was upgraded from "my son" to "my brother". Nakampuchang asong ito! He was originally named Cholo (after my Dad as a joke) but my Mum could not stand hearing my Dad's name over and over so we opted for Puppy Piolo (which will transcend to Papa Piolo when he gets older) but it just didn't fit. On our way back from running some errands for Mum, I chanced upon a restaurant's sign--hence, Dimsum.

I never thought I would ever be a dog-person. Sure, we always had them around the house but I never really did care for them. I'd always say that the only dogs that I find cute are those that aren't mine. Apparently, I was proven wrong. Dimdim has the entire family wrapped around his tiny little umm, paw. He's really a part of the family and should anything happen to him.. ayayayay!

Our family will never be the same without you, Dim. Please eat and get well already so you can come home soon! We miss you! :)

sleepy Dimsum out of the box

Dimsum's first day

Stupid dog with our Bro (guess which is which)


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