I feel that I have neglected this blog for too long. Looking back at my really old posts, I feel (and this is entirely my own personal opinion) that I was witty enough and that I had a pretty good sense of humour.
Now, I just feel so angsty.. that I have far too many issues to write anything of interest to anyone --or to myself even. I think I can honestly say that I miss the "old" me -- not that I'd give up any of the "new" me... It's just hard to have transitioned into who I am now and hope to find traces of the person that I had thought myself to be. Does any of this make sense anyway???!
Work is stressful - but that isn't something that's unique to my job. everyone has their own form of stress regardless of what their job description is. I feel the need to inject some passion in my life, to do something that that inspires me and makes me feel crazy-alive. I think I need a career-change or a life-change. I think I think too much and that I don't spend enough time actually thinking.
I'm a lost "grown-up". I've lost the child in me.