Are you IN? I am OUT!
This is it! It's happening.. It's not as if I didn't have this coming--I was mentally counting down the days, the hours, the minutes, the seconds.. but it's still different when you're actually there. Today is my last day here at the Factory. I've done all that needs to be done, signed all that needs to be signed and (practically) cleared my desk. In fact, I could just walk out of here and not look back.. It feels really weird.
While I've done this whole leaving the company bit before, this still feels new and different. I've learned so much from the people I've met in my short stay here and I know that because my experience here has done me some good, I will leave here a wiser and stronger person--at least I'd like to think so.
The Top 10 Factory lessons that I have learned:
1. To ride the train, the fx and the jeep.
2. To blog! (Thanks boi_bitch!)
3. To put together "business casual" outfits
4. To harness my entrepreneurial skills. (I'd still accept shirt, soap and scrub orders! hehe)
5. To download and hoard mp3s. (Thank you again boi_bitch! I am leaving 12GB worth of music! Lucky you--whoever you might be!)
6. To manage my time well and..
7. To look busy when the need arises. (teehee)
8. To keep my temper in check. (Ding-dong, the Witch is dead..)
9. To talk into my phone in hushed tones--no matter how I was feeling.
10. To be PASAWAY! (hehe.. boi_bitch, you taught me well!)
Thank you:
1. Exchange Team-- the best (actually, the ONLY) team I've ever worked with. I'm gonna miss everyone's "quirkiness" and our pizza moments. GO TEAM!!!
3. The Factory workers I got to hang with-- (Iggy, Lou, Kat, Esther, Ems, Ms.O, Dinah..etc.) Yosi, lunch and bathroom breaks might never be the same again.
4. The Factory jammers-- that was "off the hook" (teehee) That was the FUN-EST gig I've ever played!
5. blair_bitch -- A bouquet of flowers?!! I'm impressed. In the short span of time we worked together, it's good to know that I was able to impart some of my "bibboness' skills to you. Use accordingly! Take care of the team, okay? OWN IT bebeh! hehe..
6. boi_bitch -- you are the ultimate mean girl! Thanks for sharpening my bitch/bratinella skills. I will make you proud! hehe :) Working at the Factory would not have been bearable if not for you. You're right, this does not (and should not!) end here. I'll see you around. We have many other uhh.."medication" to try out together! hehe..
I leave here today with so many stories to share and so many memories to keep. It was a short run but a great one.. (sniff sniff)
Support my enchanted friends! You gotta love their outfits! hehe :)